“Thickness of Calligraphy” is an online virtual exhibition with the theme of “3D calligraphy”
Winner of the Best Immersive Art Experience at the 31st Raindance Film Festival
Official Selection at the Festival of International Virtual & Augmented Reality Stories 2023
This virtual exhibition is curated and created by Jessien Huang. It divides the artist Boyan‘s research into four stages, which are presented successively through a large number of works.
While these works are exhibited as research results, the exhibition also tells the story of tortuous research experiences. These experiences and works both have unique reference value and enlightening significance.
* This exhibition can be accessed as a World on VRChat.
Jessien studied Architecture during undergraduate and postgraduate period. While studying at University College London, he started creating VR experiences. Jessien’s works aim to explore the narrative language of Virtual Reality as a new medium. Since 2018, his VR projects have been selected or won awards at various international film festivals.
Boyan used to be a visual designer. Since 2021, he has been conducting research and creation on 3D calligraphy. In less than three years, Boyan has created a variety of 3D calligraphy styles and hundreds of works. He believes that the research on 3D calligraphy is like releasing calligraphy from flat medium.